Oceania Cup 2024
We can't wait to see you. It's going to be a great weekend of fun for all!
Please remember that this event is run by volunteers, so kindness and respect for all participants, referees, spectators, volunteers and visitors to our beautiful village is expected and very much appreciated.
Please read the Tournament Rules before arriving. These have been updated from previous years, so please read again.
Map of the fields and surrounding facilities.
FINAL Draw (3rd Oct) -Thank you for your understanding with this complicated process!
Online ladder - links for each pool.
Please read our Frequently Asked Questions below.​​
If you have questions or queries that are not covered above or below, please email oceaniacup@alstonvillefc.com.au
Frequently Asked Questions
What date is the tournament and where is Alstonville?5th & 6th October 2024. Alstonville is a beautiful town that is 20 mins drive from Ballina or Lismore on the Far North Coast of NSW.
Where is the tournament held?Junior games are played at Geoff Watt Oval, Alstonville on Saturday 5th October. Senior games are played at Crawford Park, Alstonville on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th.
What teams can be entered and what is the cost per team?Please read the Tournament Rules before nominating your team. These have been updated from previous years, so please read again. Junior teams: Grade 12 (10-12 year olds) $200 Grade 14 (13-14 yea olds) $250 Grade 16 (15-16 year olds) $250 Senior teams: Open A pool $300 Open B pool $300 Open C pool (over 35 year olds) $300 Alstonville FC teams $100
What is the criteria for the teams entered in the different pools?Open A: Premier division and 2nd division players Open B: 3rd, 4th and 5th division players Open C: Players over 35 years only
How many players can you register for each team?18 players are allowed for both junior or senior teams, however only 16 players are allowed in the technical area for any individual game (11 on the field, 5 on the bench), so it's your discretion how many players you allow on your team to ensure fair playing time.
What is the cut-off date to register a team?Registration opens on 21st August. The cut off date for registering your team is officially 20th September, however, we will close registrations once the maximum amount of teams has been submitted. So please, don't delay in registering to avoid disappointment.
How do I register on Playfootball.com.au for the tournament?Please read / download our step by step guide here. Player registration to Play Football is mandatory as part of the competition Tournament Terms & Conditions. ALL PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED BEFORE THEY CAN PLAY. When selecting registration type choose from: Oceania Cup Registered Junior Oceania Cup Unregistered Junior Oceania Cup Registered Senior Oceania Cup Unregistered Senior No registration fee for NNSWF zone clubs registered for the 2024. There is a fee for unregistered players to pay when they register: $19.80 Unregistered Senior (age19 and over) $5.50 Unregistered Junior (age 18 and under) Registered player - is a player who has registered to play winter football with a NNSWF affiliated club in 2024. Players registered in 2024 to clubs outside of NNSWF must seek permission from their relevant Football Australia affiliated Governing Body to participate as a registered player. Unregistered player – is a player who has not registered to play winter football with any Football Australia affiliated club in 2024 or any player who has not provided the appropriate permission to participate as registered player. IMPORTANT: Players DO NOT need to de-register from their current Club to register for Alstonville FC Oceania Cup because it is considered a "Social Competition" and requires no change to their normal Club registration.
What accomodation is available nearby to Alstonville?Alstonville Country Cottages Ballina Byron Islander Resort Ballina Homestead Motel Almare Tourist Motel River Street Motel Coast Inn Motel Riverside Holiday The Cubana Ballina Avalon Gardens Motel Lismore Wilson Motel Lismore Fair Dinkum Motel
What food will be available during the weekend?Full canteen with pies, sandwiches, sushi, fruit, snacks and drinks + food trucks (burgers and hot chips) + coffee van will be available for your convenience. Our local town main street, only a 5 min walk away, also has a Coles supermarket and various cafes and bakeries.
What facilities/wheelchair access are available at the venue?Crawford Park - Full change rooms with toilets and showers are available for both teams playing on CP1 and CP2. Public toilets are located in the club house, including an accessible toilet. There is also an accessible ramp up to the club house. Geoff Watt Oval - Public toilet block only available, no specific change rooms. There is a wheelchair accessible toilet.
What merchandise will be available for sale?We will have a range of merchandise available for sale - pink soccer balls, branded hoodies, socks, water bottles, phone holders, shirts and more. Please visit our merchandise stand at Crawford Park to purchase.
Will there be an Osteopath available?Yes! We are pleased to have Osteopaths from Northern Rivers Health in Alstonville available on the day to assist with strapping and other injuries. They will charge a nominal fee for assistance. Please visit their stand for more details during the weekend.